Religious Celebrations in the United Kingdom

Religions in the UK

While many religions are practiced in the UK, the country is mostly secular. In the most recent census, more people described themselves as non-religious than all other religious denominations combined. That being said, Christianity is by far the most popular of the religions. Specifically, Protestantism, Anglican or more accurately, the Church of England. Despite around 40% of the country identifying as Christian, most Britons, when asked, would not describe the UK as a Christian, or indeed, religious country at all. However, as the King is the head of the church, by default the UK is considered a religious country.

When it comes to the different sects and denominations within Christianity, the UK as a whole has always gone back and forth,  In fact, many of the country’s wars and history are based around religion. Kings and Queens fought and lost battles based on their religions, with the main religion changing numerous times between Catholicism and Protestantism. Interestingly, Protestantism, or the UK’s particular brand, the Church of England, only came about because Henry VIII wished to divorce his first wife and was the ruling monarch and head of the church. Since then, the country has remained predominantly Anglican.

Christianity is not the only religion in the United Kingdom. These days, there are various other religions which are practiced. Both the Orthodox Church and Islam have a rising number of worshipers. This is due, in large part, to those immigrants and refugees that have made the UK their home and also due to the incredibly diverse nature of the UK population. London is particularly diverse, boasting the widest range of practiced religions in the UK. Subsequently, other religions such as Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, Buddhism, shamanism and paganism, also have their place within the four countries.